The Elegance
"Elegance is when what is inside is more beautiful than what is outside."
Coco Chanel
Elegance is an attitude, and it can be in each of our movements.
Elegance is not limited to how you dress, but how you undress or move without clothes, because you can also be elegant when you are naked.
"Elegance is not only beauty, -says Carolina Herrera- it is not only defined by the clothes you wear, it is also the way you think, the way you move".
I find it interesting to be able to quote phrases from prestigious fashion designers within the tantric context, because tantra is elegant, tasteful and completely far from vulgar. In our "knowing how to be" is the elegance with which we behave, the attitude we have towards others. In how we walk, look, laugh, the vocabulary with which we express ourselves, our tone of voice, how we breathe, we seduce... and how we touch each other. A soft, slow and delicate touch on the skin can not only be exciting and poetic, it is also the sensual elegance in how we do it.
"Elegance consists in forgetting what one is wearing." Yves Saint-Laurent